
Cross-curricular learning through Expressive Arts...

We provide creative and imaginative experiences for children in a vibrant, engaging way. We pride ourselves on delivering exciting educational workshops based around popular stories and themes, which can be experienced by all ages and abilities. At the heart of these workshops lies a key focus on creative learning through the use of expressive arts, spanning across many AOLE’s and embedding the four purposes. 

We are passionate about creative learning. We understand the enormous benefits it can have on a child’s development, alongside their motivation to learn. Our workshops are designed to celebrate this, whilst improving a wide number of skills for your learners including oracy, literacy, collaboration and confidence.

Here at Louby Lou’s, we are experienced Creative Practitioners and Agents for Arts Council Wales. Having worked on fifteen Welsh Government funded Lead Creative Schools projects since 2018, we understand the importance of bringing creativity into the classroom and celebrating the Welsh curriculum.

What do we offer?

Each year, we produce seasonal brochures for Primary Schools & Early Years settings. These provide further information on the workshops we offer, alongside our extensive catalogue of stories.

It is impossible for us to list all of the wonderful workshops we have available here on our website, but we have certainly tried our best. We are an extremely creative bunch here at Louby Lou’s, so we often design workshops and sessions based around your needs as a school. For a general feel of the work we produce, take a look at the options below.

Interactive Stories

These workshops allow your learners to fully immerse themselves into a story, theme or topic. Suitable for all ages, our interactive stories take your pupils on a creative journey using props, role play, music and movement. The aim is to bring the story to life, so your pupils can physically participate and imaginatively explore with our storytellers.

Celebrating Cultures

Stories are a catalyst for exploring identity and heritage. Here at Louby Lou's, we have a wide collection of tales from countries around the world, which are explored in in a vibrant and creative way. From Wales to Nigeria, Poland to China, these workshops celebrate culture, helping your pupils to become ethically, informed citizens.

Parental Engagement

These workshops provide opportunities for both learners and parents to experience story making together. Led by our professional facilitators, participants will be encouraged to dive into the workshop, collaboratively exploring characters, setting and plots through drama based techniques. Our gentle approach allows all to feel valued and welcomed, introducing creative ways we can share and tell stories with our children in the home.

Drama Workshops

All of our storytellers have professional credits within the acting industry, allowing us to create our exciting drama workshops. Some of our activities include focusing on how to use your voice and movement to depict a character, whilst including practical tips such as stage positioning and of course, those all important warm up games. The aim of our workshops is to allow your pupils to grow their confidence whilst having fun!

Takeover Days

Our Takeover Days are fast becoming a hit with schools and proving one of our most popular experiences. Two vibrant characters will arrive, ready and raring to take over the building for the day. Our characters will interrupt your assembly before visiting and tasking your participating classes with an exciting activity all focused around your chosen theme. Our takeover days are a fantastic way to immerse your pupils into the realm of role play and are guaranteed to fill the school with a buzz of excitement.

Live Story Sketches

These sketches are perfect for exploring a story with more than one class in a short space of time. Armed with two vibrant performers and a few props sprinkled into the mix, they are essentially mini shows, where pupils are invited to watch as an audience. Our Story Sketches are used throughout the year to introduce and explore topics, but to also mark key dates or important occasions in the academic year. They can be tailored to suit any year group and are around 30 to 40 minutes in duration.

Expressive Arts Days

As a professional arts-based company who specialise in theatre and drama, we have a wealth of knowledge to share with your pupils on what it takes to put on a show. This day is designed to give your pupils an overview into the world of theatre, so they can learn about the wide variety of careers available within the industry. They will participate in vocal warm ups from the perspective of a performer, learn how to identify props through the eyes of a stage manager and also take a look at costumes designed by professionals.

Staff CPD Training

For some teachers, we know that the word ‘Drama’ can be a little daunting, particularly if you haven’t had any previous experience within this realm. Our CPD sessions are designed to equip your staff with engaging games, activities and creative approaches to learning, that can be easily transferable across year groups and a wide number of topics. The aim is to provide staff with a toolkit of creative exercises, which they can confidently deliver and weave into their current practice, without having to be a professionally trained performer.

Can’t see what you’re looking for?

Fear not. We often design workshops and experiences that meet our teachers requirements. Feel free to get in touch and we can help you further with your magical plans.

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